Plano Lawn Sprinkler Repair - Professional Irrigation & Sprinkler Service
Plano, TX residents have relied on our professional lawn irrigation and sprinkler repair services for both homes and businesses for over 20 years.
You live in Plano, TX and your sprinkler is broken and water is coming out. What should you do? First, turn off your sprinkler system to stop the water from flooding. Then, call NxTGen for help.
We know a lot about sprinklers and fixing sprinkler systems. Our sprinkler repair company is proud to be one of the top contractors in Plano, helping homeowners and commercial property owners with their sprinkler problems. We have licensed professionals who specialize in irrigation and sprinklers, and they are ready to help you with all your lawn watering needs.
We don’t just fix sprinklers, we also specialize in giving your sprinkler system a thorough checkup. We can help with maintenance, rerouting, and even adding a rain/freeze sensor to make your system more efficient. At NxTGen, our goal is to make sure your sprinkler system is working at its best top-notch repairs and system upgrades..
Comprehensive Sprinkler System Checkup
Every sprinkler system always has a few things that don't work perfectly. Sometimes it's really hard to fix those things. Doing maintenance every year is a good way to start. Getting a Comprehensive Sprinkler System Checkup will make sure that your yard gets watered properly, especially when the weather is unpredictable.
So what is involved in a Comprehensive Sprinkler System Checkup?
Our experienced technician, who is licensed and trained in the industry, will thoroughly inspect your entire sprinkler system and assess the following components:
Verify the operation of all zones for turning on and off.
Ensure proper functioning of rain and freeze sensor, if installed.
Test the backup battery of the controller for functionality
Set and adjust controller settings for current conditions and watering restrictions.
Inspect each sprinkler head for malfunctions, leaks, or breakages.
Evaluate drip irrigation system for damaged tubing or missing emitters.
Align mispositioned heads to ensure adequate coverage.
Clean and optimize spray nozzles for efficient spray distribution.
Survey for dry/wet areas and potential leaks in the system and yard.
Provide diagnostic results with repair/improvement recommendations for enhanced system efficiency.
If you have a sprinkler system issue, our experienced irrigation specialists can either fix it or replace it. We only use tested products for our sprinkler system repairs, ensuring quality throughout the whole process.
Residential Sprinkler Repair in Plano, TX
If you’re a homeowner who values a well-maintained yard, you’ll appreciate the exceptional residential sprinkler repair services offered by NxTGen. Every now and then, your sprinkler system may require some attention due to age or misuse. Just like any other water-based appliance in your home, leaks can develop over time or the sprinkler head can get damaged. In fact, it’s quite common to accidentally run over a sprinkler head with the lawnmower. But worry not, NxTGen is here to help you fix these issues and ensure your sprinkler system is working efficiently.

We have a skilled team ready to help fix your sprinklers at home. Our repair experts are among the best in the field and have the latest tools and training needed. Don’t let a simple repair stop your yard from getting the essential nutrients it requires. Without proper watering trees, turfgrass and landscaping plants can suffer. Contact us today!
Commercial Sprinkler Repair in Plano, TX
As a business owner, you’ve probably noticed that first impressions are really important. If you own a commercial property with some lawn space, it’s likely that customers or potential tenants notice the grass first. If your lawn isn’t taken care of properly, some people might decide to go somewhere else. It’s definitely worth it to spend some time, effort, and money to make your space look healthy and inviting!
It certainly pays to invest a little time, energy, and money into making your space look healthy and welcoming!

At NxTGen, we take your business seriously. Our priority is to make sure your sprinkler system is working properly. If we find a broken sprinkler head, our technicians will quickly replace it. If there’s a leak, we’ll fix the damaged section so you don’t waste money or energy. Your lawn deserves to be healthy, and we’ll make sure it stays that way!
City of Plano Watering Guidelines
The City of Plano has specific watering guidelines that residents must follow to conserve water and avoid high water bills. These guidelines are in place to ensure that the city's water supply is used efficiently and effectively, especially during times of drought or other water shortages.
To comply with these guidelines, residents must limit their outdoor watering to twice a week on designated days based on their address. Even-numbered addresses can water on Mondays and Thursdays, while odd-numbered addresses can water on Tuesdays and Fridays. Additionally, all outdoor watering must occur before 10:00 am or after 6:00 pm to reduce evaporation during the hottest parts of the day.
Proper sprinkler maintenance is crucial to ensure that your sprinkler system is working efficiently and not wasting water. Regular maintenance includes checking for leaks or breaks in your system, adjusting your sprinkler heads for proper coverage, and monitoring your system's overall performance.
The City of Plano recommends dividing your yard into different sprinkler zones based on the type of plants and soil in each area. This allows you to customize your watering schedule for each zone, ensuring that each area receives the appropriate amount of water without overwatering or underwatering.
Drip irrigation is a great alternative to traditional sprinkler systems, as it delivers water directly to the roots of plants and reduces water waste. Drip irrigation systems use less water than traditional sprinklers because they apply small amounts of water slowly over time instead of spraying large amounts all at once. This method also helps prevent runoff by allowing the soil to absorb the moisture more gradually.
If you need sprinkler repairs, it's important to hire a licensed irrigation specialist who can diagnose and fix issues with your sprinkler heads, valves, risers, and water lines. A professional can help you identify areas where you may be losing water due to leaks or other problems with your system. They can also help you make necessary repairs to improve your system's efficiency and reduce your water bill.
It's also important to monitor your irrigation system regularly for signs of problems or inefficiencies. Check for leaks or broken sprinkler heads, as well as areas where water flow or pressure may be reduced. These issues can indicate problems with valves or other components of your system that may require professional repair.
By following these tips and guidelines, residents in Plano Texas can help conserve water while still maintaining a healthy and vibrant landscape. Whether through proper sprinkler maintenance, drip irrigation systems, or other methods, everyone has a role to play in protecting this precious resource for future generations.
Premium Service
Invest in your property with unbeatable service. NxTGen Irrigation and Lawn Care have built its business on providing premium sprinkler repair throughout the area for homeowners and commercial property owners. Our repair services have earned us a reputation for being proactive, high-quality, and affordable. Everyone deserves a gorgeous lawn and blooming garden without having to break the bank. And now, it is easier than ever to schedule professional sprinkler repair services!
We only hire exceptional technicians who are skilled and committed to tracking down the smallest of leaks and solving the problem. We are adept at locating broken sprinkler heads or faulty control boxes. We also offer service agreements, offering complete diagnostics and tune-ups throughout the year.

Common Lawn Sprinkler Problems in Plano
Sprinkler spray heads or rotor heads are set too low, not spraying above the grass.
Sprinkler spray heads or rotors are out of alignment, spraying areas that don’t need water.
Zone valves are leaking or not closing properly, leaving water build-up around the spray heads or rotor heads.
Zone valves that are old and don’t turn on or don’t shut off.
Controller box or timer does not work properly because of poor wiring, a bad battery, or a faulty zone valve.
PVC pipes cracking or bursting underground.
When you suspect there may be a leak or some other issue, call us to inspect your irrigation system, locate the source of the problem, and fix it quickly.
Call our sprinkler repair specialists today and we can solve your sprinkler system problems. Don’t delay, call us today and we’ll show you why so many families and businesses in Plano trust NxTGen with their sprinkler repair and irrigation needs.
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